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Wheels Up in Forty

Feb 27, 2019

This week, we watched episodes 7, 8, and 9 of season 8. Topics include: evil synesthesia, Pearl Bailey fun facts, video games that sound like more trouble than they're worth, getting the chyron right. 

Feb 20, 2019

This week we are joined by Grace and Abby from Tortall Recall, a Tamora Pierce reading and recap podcast. Topics include: bad science explained poorly, OT3s, unsub origin stories, questionable linguistics.

Find Tortall Recall here.

Feb 13, 2019

This week, we finish up season 14 with episodes 13, 14, and 15. Topics include: truth or dare and what demographics play it, what religious studies professors do and don't do, Rossi's wedding, meaningful gazes, con moms.

Feb 6, 2019

In our longest episode yet, we watch episodes 4, 5, and 6 of season 8. Topics include: Alex's gayest fanfic dreams, justice for Jordan Todd, drawing the line at animal cruelty, Jose the random teenager is the real MVP.