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Wheels Up in Forty

Dec 4, 2019

This week, we watched episodes 7, 8, and 9 of season 11. Topics include: Hotchcia lives in Alex's heart, stop quoting Coco Chanel, multilevel marketing for drugs, pointless gore. 

Nov 6, 2019

This week, we watched episodes 4, 5, and 6 of season 11. Topics include: shipping minor background characters with each other, multiple Las Vegases, fake Banksy, sassy teenagers.

Check out Dorian's alphamixes

Oct 30, 2019

This week, we talk about episodes 1 and 2 (we did watch 3, but it's a long story, listen to find out) of season 11. Topics include: monochromatic old ladies, clown makeup, Reid has pet fish, the dangers of going cheap on a hitman. 

Oct 23, 2019

This week, we talk to two very special guests about their Criminal minds faves and least faves. Topics include: Alex pointedly doesn't talk about one of her OTPs, intense season 2 episodes, unsub origin stories.

You can find Dorian on Tumblr or Twitter and Alex on

Oct 17, 2019

This week, we finished season 10 with its last two episodes. Topics include: stress saltines, housing law in various states and provinces, Garcia's moral compass, missed characterization opportunities.

Shout out to Dorian, who did the editing this week as Alex's computer was being weird.